Hi, my name is

Maurici Armora

and I am a web developer

About me

coding is my passion

When the lockdown for Covid-19 started I knew I had to take advantage of all the free time I was about to have, so I decided to try something new. At the same time I started studying to become a boat captain, and an online course about Python basis. Although I enjoyed and finished the boat captain liscense, I immediatly fell in love with coding, and realised that my professional career was about to change. Therefore, I looked for a place to study web development and found Le Wagon, where I learned most of what I currently know.

5 years earlier...

When I finished high school I wanted to clear my mind and make a fresh start (I didn’t quite know what to study next) so I went to live to the Bath, UK. The time I spent there working as a waiter in a hotel made me discover that hotel manangement could be a possibility . After one year I came back to Spain and I moved to Barcelona (I was living in Girona before that) to start a Hotel Management degree. After years of studying and working in that sector, “fortunately”, the lockdown came and discovered my real passion... You know the rest.

My skills






CSS (and Sass)



Ruby on Rails

Ruby (and Rails)









Object Oriented Programming


What I've done


Flatify is a web app that allows you to split evenly the expenses in a shared flat. At the end of the month you have one unique payment that the app has calculated making a balance between what you have paid and what you owe.

Used: Ruby | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Games Master

Games Master

Games Master allows you to rent board games. If you have any board you don’t use very often and want to make a little money upload it! Also if you want to play with your friends and don’t have any board game you can look for it!

Used: Ruby | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap


Any doubts?